Are you paying for mistakes?

The Bill Health Report can catch billing errors.

Stay informed with insights into rate class, late fees, consumption anomalies, and more!

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How can busy AP teams know if there are billing errors?

How can they know if they are overpaying?

With so many locations across the country, Accounts Payable teams must trust the vendors to make the right calls and not make mistakes. 

Having the correct utility information is imperative to make informed decisions and not wasting time worrying about overpaying or late bills.

On-demand Bill Health Report

The Platform offers an on-demand Bill Health Report.

This report automatically audits all of your sites and finds things like rate class, late fees, and your cost or consumption abnormalities.

The Bill Health Report allows you to view helpful reports that provide valuable information, such as cluing you in that your meter usage has increased by 75%. A utility manager can see new rate plans and line items on their bills.

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60-Point Validation Check 

With our 60-point validation check, we can ensure that your invoices are as clean, valid, and correct as possible in the system and that we correct any discovered anomalies.

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You can see for yourself…

You can see the invoices as they come through and are accessible within the Platform. You still have access to your original bills, so you can always compare what we stored to what paper invoice was issued.

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Get a Demo of the Platform today!

Pear is a powerful, flexible utility insights platform.
Let one of our experts walk you though how the Platform could help your organization reach it’s goals with a customized demo catered to your requirements and needs.
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